Training Plan
In 2018 we once again invite all Catholics to join together to pray the 54 day Novena for Our Nation from the August 15 Feast of the Assumption through the October 7 Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. We ask all then to join together on October 7 in praying the Rosary Coast to Coast.
Action Plan
On the weekend of the October 7, Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, the US–through Rosary Coast to Coast–will join with our International brothers and sisters to pray for our respective nations.
Americans across the country are invited to pray Rosary Coast to Coast wherever they can gather: in parish Churches; in front of state capitols; along the US coasts and borders; as families; or while viewing the live-stream of the National Rosary Rally. Rosary Coast to Coast will take place at 4 pm Eastern, 3 pm Central, 2 pm Mountain, 1 pm Pacific. The reasoning behind these times will be to support all timezones in full participation of events, aside from Sunday Masses. Indeed, the Heart of the Nation will be Immersed in the Hour Of Mercy.
The National Rosary Rally will take place, as well, in front of the US Capitol on this day. We will begin with Mass at St. Peter’s on Capitol Hill followed by a Rosary procession to the Rally site. The Rosary Rally will be live-streamed.
All who wish to livestream:
Use “#RosaryCoastToCoast” and “#HolyLeagueOfNation”.
Stream on Facebook Live, linking to:
Rosary Coast to Coast
To livestream to Twitter, with same “hashtags”, download free app:…
Rosary Event Organizers
Email to Organizers Sept. 30, 2018
To Rosary Coast to Coast local organizers,
Thank you and bless you for all of your work organizing local Rosary events. We are
one week away from the October 7
thFeast of Our Lady of the Rosary! Since it was launched 6 months ago on Easter Vigil March 31
st, Rosary Coast to Coast has quickly been embraced across the country. To date there are over
1,100 Rosary locations registered; quite literally from coast to coast and border to border across
all 50 states with more added every day! Apologies to those who waited to see their locations on the Rosary Coast to Coast map; it became challenging to keep up to date at the pace at which new registrations were received.
Rosary rallies are taking place: along coasts and borders; at state capitols; in parks; on beaches; along busy streets; as well as outside and inside Churches and Shrines. Prayer warriors are joining together to pray the Rosary on Sunday, October 7
th; the vast majority
simultaneously at 4 pm Eastern, 3 pm Central, 2 pm Mountain, 1 pm Pacific, noon Alaska, 10 am Hawaii. Go to the website to view the map of Rosary locations as well as the video and written endorsements from Cardinals, Bishops and Dioceses.
You should know that this is not only a national prayer campaign.
40 countries around the world representing all inhabited continents have joined the US as the
New Holy League of Nations to pray the Rosary together on or near October 7
th. See at
We have received requests for suggestions for the local Rosary rallies. We request the simultaneous praying of the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary since that is both the Rosary of the Day (Sunday) as well as the Rosary concluding the 54 day Rosary Novena for Our Nation.Many locations will be praying all four Mysteries of the Rosary. Many are praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Others are including prayers of Consecration, including the Militia of the Immaculata Act of Consecration to Mary with which we will conclude Novena for Our Nation. A program containing all four Rosaries, the M.I. Consecration and suggested intentions is available on the Rosary Coast to Coast website.
For the Rosary rallies attended by Bishops, Priests and Religious, request that they speak to the attendees with a preached reflection or meditation. At the time of the start of the simultaneous Rosary, all Churches and Shrines which are participating should ring their Church bells!
We recommend signs or banners to let people know what you are doing. Materials are available to download and print locally on the website: In particular, note the 18×22 sign with the Rosary Coast to Coast logo.
Rosary Coast to Coast will be anchored by the
National Rosary Rally in front of the US Capitol in Washington DC with Mass at St. Peter’s on Capitol Hill and a Rosary Procession to the rally site. A
livestream from the rally site from 2:30 – 4:30 pm Eastern is available to view at local Rosary events as well as for those participating from home. The link is also on the website at:
Please make a final check of your Rosary details on the website map. Send any updates or corrections to:
Very importantly, we would love to receive photos and videos of your Rosary events.
Please do not email them! You should put them here: There are folders for each state and one folder for outside the USA. You should open the folder for your state and create a folder for your event with City and event location.
Thank you for your leadership on Rosary Coast to Coast! You are all in our prayers; please keep Rosary Coast to Coast, National Rosary Rally and the Holy League of Nations in yours!
Many Blessings on your Rosary events!
Yours respectfully in Christ,
Fr. Richard Heilman
President of Holy League
Email to Organizers Aug. 9, 2018
Thank you and bless you for all of your work organizing a local Rosary rally on October 7! Rosary Coast to Coast continues to build momentum with over 700 events registered to date! See the map at
All active bishops across the US were notified of Rosary Coast to Coast in April requesting their support in their dioceses. Videos and letters of endorsement can be viewed on the website with more coming.
Media coverage so far includes:;;; and
Promotional materials are available on the website: Please go to Resources on the menu bar; then to the Promotional Materials drop down. Materials include: 8 1/2 x 11 flyers in both a national version or with an imprint area to add the details of your local Rosary rally; a Spanish version of the flyer; a 6 x 4 postcard-sized handout with imprint area; a vertical banner; and a horizontal banner. These materials are intended to help generate awareness and recruit people to participate. There is also a sign to use during Rosary rallies. The Rosary Coast to Coast logo is also available alone to incorporate into other local materials.
The videos on the website are posted to YouTube and are available to use and share. We especially encourage viewing and sharing the video which is on the Take Action page of the website.
We strongly recommend that Rosary rallies be in public places. Specific suggestions are: along the coasts and borders; in front of state capitols, in other public places where you can gather people; or outside parish Churches. We recommend signs or banners to let people know what you are doing. A Rosary or Eucharistic Procession from the Church to the public location is encouraged. We also received a great local suggestion that all parishes which are participating in Rosary Coast to Coast ring their Church bells at the time of the Rosary!
We have received many requests for suggestions for the local Rosary rallies. The focus of all local events should be praying the Rosary; preferably simultaneously across the country at 4 pm Eastern, 3 pm Central, 2 pm Mountain, 1 pm Pacific, noon Alaska, 10 am Hawaii. We recommend that it be the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary since that is both the Rosary of the Day (Sunday) as well as the Rosary with which we will be concluding the 54 day Rosary Novena for Our Nation about which you received a recent email.
Our other suggestions are to lead up to the Rosary with additional prayers as well as have Bishops, Priests, Religious or Catholic laypeople speak to the participants. Suggested length of Rosary rallies is 1 hour.
October 7 is also Respect Life Sunday and the 2018 date of Life Chain. Over a 30 year history, Life Chain has developed into an effective Pro Life anti-abortion event which unites Catholics and Protestants in public ministry on the first Sunday of October. Life Chain features individuals who carry signs in the public and engage in private rather than group prayer. Rosary Coast to Coast is by definition very different as an event built around group recitation of the Rosary and other prayers. For local organizers of Rosary Coast to Coast, the Rosary event should be scheduled and located so that it is independent of Life Chain events. That way those who would like to participate in both are able to do so without creating an unintended connection between Rosary Coast to Coast and Life Chain.
For reference, the National Rosary Rally in Washington DC the past 2 years has included Catholic clergy and laypeople speaking about the disregard for the rights of the unborn, elderly and weak in our society and the attacks on the sanctity of marriage and family as well as intolerance towards biblically based religious belief. Prayers include all 4 Rosaries. There will be a live stream of the National Rosary Rally from in front of the US Capitol from 2:30 – 4:30 pm Eastern. A schedule will be posted soon on
We hope this helps in planning your local Rosary rally! Please send additional details as you confirm them to: Thank you for your leadership on Rosary Coast to Coast! You are all in our prayers; please keep these much needed prayer campaigns in yours!
Yours respectfully in Christ,
Fr. Richard Heilman
President of Holy League